girl in white shirt holding green watermelon
Health & Wellness

Mood Food: These 15 Foods Can Make You Happy

Healthy Food That Lifts Your Mood

Ice cream. Donut. Pizza. You might think sugar-rich temptations will make you feel better but trust me they won’t. Sugar and carbs are likely to give you momentary relief but will do more harm than good. Especially for your mental health.

Take it from the person who has suffered from post-partum depression. My unhealthy food choices during that phase only made matters worse for me.

Speaking from personal experience, I know it is not easy to resist the sugary temptations. It requires constant practice to train your mind to make the right choices. Read my tips on how to cut sugar from your diet.

Here is a list of healthy foods to uplift your mood.

  1. Coffee. But in moderation. According to a study, women who drink coffee regularly are at a lower risk of depression. (And you don’t need any study to tell you that coffee with friends is an even better stress-reliever!)
  2. Dark chocolate contains compounds that may increase feel-good chemicals in your brain.
  3. Pineapple. I have personally felt a change in mood after eating this delicious fruit.
  4. Bananas contain natural sugar, vitamin B6, and fibre, which make your blood sugar stable. Low blood sugar causes irritability and mood swings.
  5. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which may reduce the risk of depression.
  6. Nuts are good sources of zinc and selenium. The deficiency of these minerals is associated with depression. Go nuts!
  7. Oats contain fibre. Fibre stabilizes blood sugar levels and hence your mood. (Plus, it is a no-brainer breakfast; takes away the stress of what to eat for breakfast too ;))
  8. Eggs are not just a source of protein but also provide choline, a nutrient involved in mood, muscle control, and memory. (Also, a no-brainer breakfast or snack option!)
  9. Kale is the magical ingredient that is a solution for every possible health problem!
  10. Green tea relaxes your mind. It contains antioxidants that even have cancer-fighting properties.
  11. Seeds: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds are an excellent addition to your diet to fight depression.
  12. Mushrooms lower blood sugar levels and promote healthy gut bacteria.
  13. Probiotics reduce inflammation in your body, produce feel-good neurotransmitters, and improve your stress response. 
  14. Watermelon is what you need to pull yourself out from that afternoon energy slump.
  15. Cottage Cheese: This one’s my favourite (after coffee, of course). Cottage cheese contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid linked with improving mood and cognition
  16. Nutella Nope 🙂

While it is okay to indulge your sweet cravings once in a while, remember sugar is your enemy dressed as a friend in your fight toward better mental and physical health. Look after yourself with good food to fight a bad mood!

Purva is the co-founder of Blue Sky Dreamers. A journalist with 11 years of experience, she also freelances as a content writer & editor.


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